2016 - Jan-Apr U9 and older individuals needing a team    (January 2016)
2016 - Jan-Apr U9 and older individuals needing a team Standings
No data available.
2016 - Jan-Apr U9 and older individuals needing a team Schedule
No games scheduled. Please call for the latest information.
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Co-Rec
Division: Rec
Sport: Indoor Soccer (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 1/15/2016
End Date: 4/3/2016
Status: Complete
Team Fee:
PlayerFee: $100.00
Other Fee Info:
More Info: We can NOT guarantee a spot on a team if you are signing up as an individual. We will try and form teams, or place them on existing teams, but we can't guarantee that we will be successful in doing so